
This document (Document) contains certain background information regarding the property investment process and potential opportunities (Potential Opportunities). It has been provided by April Group Pty Ltd ACN 118 432 170 or a company operating within the April Group of companies (April Group) in response to a request by the recipient of this Document (Recipient) solely for the purpose of evaluating the Potential Opportunities.


The delivery of this Document does not imply that Potential Opportunities have been fully or correctly stated in this Document, or have not changed since the date of this Document, or since the date at which the information is expressed to be applicable.
This Document does not purport to provide all of the information the Recipient may require in order to evaluate the Potential Opportunities.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, April Group and its respective directors, officers, employees, agents, advisers and consultants (Disclosing Parties) make no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of this Document or information relating to the Potential Opportunities that is subsequently provided to the Recipient or its advisers. The Disclosing Parties shall have no liability (including liability to any person by reason of negligence or negligent misstatement) for any statements, opinions, information, projections, analysis, assessments, feasibilities, estimates, forecasts or other matters (expressed or implied) arising out of, contained in or derived from, or for any omissions from, the information provided to the Recipient or its advisers, including under this Document and its appendices, except liability under the Australian Consumer Law or other statute that cannot be excluded.


This Document includes certain case studies and specific investment returns. These details should not be construed as applying to Potential Opportunities. It is noted that markets fluctuate and real estate values vary on a continuous basis. The Recipient must make its own independent assessment and investigation of the application of case studies and specific investment returns on Potential Opportunities. The inclusion of case studies, specific investment returns and any forward-looking statements set out in this Document should not be regarded as a representation or warranty with respect to their accuracy or the accuracy of the underlying assumptions or that Potential Opportunities will achieve or are likely to achieve any particular results. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.


Recipients should carry out their own due diligence and make their own independent assessment and investigation of Potential Opportunities, as they deem necessary, to verify the information contained in this Document and to determine the suitability of Potential Opportunities (including regarding their investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs) and should seek professional advice from their stockbroker or accountant before deciding whether to participate in Potential Opportunities. The provision of this Document is not and should not be considered a recommendation in relation to Potential Opportunities, or that an investment in Potential Opportunities is a suitable investment for the Recipient.

The Recipient should not treat the contents of this Document as advice relating to legal, taxation or investment matters and should consult its own advisers and seek all necessary financial, legal, tax and investment advice.



The contents of this Document are confidential and must not be copied, disseminated or used in any way except by the recipient for the purpose of evaluating an investment in the Fund.


NOTE: All image/s in this Document are indicative only and have been chosen to best reflect the overall project advertised. Individual designs may differ.

DISCLAIMER: Completed assets may vary from the images or computer-generated renders shown. All descriptions, dimensions, references to conditions and necessary permutations for use and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct. Changes may be made during the development and dimensions, fixtures, fittings, finishes and specifications are subject to change without notice. Any intending purchaser should not rely on them as a promise, warranty, statement or representation of fact, and must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise to the correctness of each item, and where necessary seek appropriate professional advice. The developer and their related companies, representatives and agents accept no responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or claim of whatsoever nature suffered by any person or persons seeking to rely in any information, representation, projection, opinion or other statement provided herein.

Unless otherwise specified, all pictures of properties in this Document are actual pictures of buildings or property which are assets that the Fund may potentially acquire or invest in.


Level 6, 50 Holt Street,
Surry Hills, NSW, 2010